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Rough n' Rowdy Has Kicked Off and Were On Pace For 15 Knockouts and 20 In-Ring "Suck Its" Before the Night is Over

Hot start to Rough n' Rowdy 24 tonight. Hollywood Vampire (7/10 nickname) vs. Bullet (2/10 nickname) kicked us off with an opening round suck it. Hollywood Vampire getting punched in the face about 1000 times in the span of a minute didn't stop him from unleashing the forementioned Generation X style suck it. Nor did it prevent him from talking immense amounts of shit to Rone dressed up in full George Washington attire immediately after the fight.


And apparently telling your opponent to suck it looked fun to everyone. Because we're now up to 3 total suck-its in 3 fights.

Unfortunately I don't have the clips of suck it #2, so you'll just have to take my word for it. But if you haven't bought the fights yet, if you act fast, you'll probably see another 20 live on stream. Not to mention we're already 3/4 on fights ending in knockouts. I can't even right this blog fast enough to keep up with the knockouts and the suck its. We have the makings of a quite the Rough n' Rowdy right now.
