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A School Bus Driver Is Getting DRAGGED Online (and fired in real life) For Break Checking A Bunch Of Shit Head Kids Who Refused To Sit In Their Seats


THIRTY misdemeanor child abuse charges? For that? Are you kidding me? I believe Dave used to liken these types of incidents to "the pussification of America", but I consider them to be something much worse - a failure of our youth. The guy lost his job because he brake checked a bunch of kids who refused to stay in their seats. They where going 9 MPH. Think about that. 9 MPH. Everyone was fine except for the one kid who got a bloody cheek and the school district is acting like the guy is Bin Laden. The NIGHTLY NEWS ran a story on it calling it "disturbing"...


I feel like I'm going crazy here. The school bus driver even told one of the parents what he did and the parent didn't care. 

From The Post:

Another girl at the back of the bus later gets on the phone with a parent and complains about the bus driver, saying his actions have left one of her schoolmates bleeding from the cheek.

When that girl got off the bus at her stop, she burst into tears. Her father, who was picking her up, told Fitzgerald that his daughter was hurt and warned him that he should “go easy on the brakes.”

Fitzgerald appears to admit acting intentionally, telling the parent: “I was coming to a stop and I hit the brakes hard because they were not listening.”

I guess this is the world we live in. Kids are no longer afraid of their parents finding out they were misbehaving. Instead they'll just hop on their cell phone knowing that no matter what, mommy and daddy are going to take their side. And don't get me wrong I understand that "brake checking" a bunch of elementary schoolers is not ideal, but sometimes it's necessary. 

I remember my father brake checking the SHIT out of my brother and I on the highway multiple times when we refused to listen. I'm talking 75mph to a damn near stop and you know what that did? Gave us 3rd degree whiplash. But beyond that it taught us a valuable lesson - that a car is not a place to fuck around. You put your seatbelt on and behave yourself until you get where you need to go. 

At least the driver of the bus stuck to his guns…

Fitzgerald penned a letter to school officials in which he defended his action by blaming “unruly” children for failing to sit down, and pointing to “a historical pattern of improper student management” on the bus route.

He concluded his missive on a conciliatory note, however, saying he was sorry for his actions.

“I am still 100% responsible for my actions in trying to both educate and control student on the bus,” Fitzgerald conceded. “Being new driver, I did not make the best decisions and if I were able to redo what I did I would rethink my decisions.” 

Good for him. I'm willing to bet that the charges will be dropped, but you never know. Just a bizarre over reaction from what I think most of America would consider a non-story. So parents, talk to your kids. Explain the importance of following directions and maybe we can avoid a situation like this in the future. If not, hold on for dear life. Thanks for reading.