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A Paralyzed Man Was Able To Play Mario Kart With His Mind Using A Neuralink Chip Implanted In His Brain, Which Is Indisputably Cool As Fuck

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You guys know I only use that gif for the most incredible shit found on the internet, but I think being able to play Mario Kart with your brain fits the bill pretty damn well. I remember there were times in college that my buddies and I would play so much Kart that we would see the game when we closed our eyes at night and we were convinced we could scale all of DK Mountain or cruise through all of Peach Beach without even looking at the screen. So seeing someone literally being able to do that with their brain is truly one small game for man, one giant game for mankind.

Nate blogged a similar thing last week when a guy was able to play chess with his Neuralink.

I think we'll say being able to play chess is a "THE FUTURE IS HERE" moment and being able to play Mario Kart is a "THE FUTURE IS HERE AND IT DOESN'T SUCK" moment. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good game of chess or at least the thought of a good game of chess. But chess being the highest form of entertainment you can play with your brain while paralyzed would suck, no matter how much of a technological achievement it may be.

The biggest issue I see with all this is that friendships will inevitably be ended over Neuralink Mario Kart. I've seen friendships pushed to the brink because someone in 2nd place got a star that took them to a win. So you can imagine how someone using a controller is going to get upset if they lose a race by a millisecond to someone that didn't have to use their hands to control a kart.

I also fear that since there is no controller to throw with a Neuralink, the only thing people using brain chips will do after losing a close race is smashing their brains against the wall. I honestly thing we would've lost Smitty to CTE during the pandemic when he was getting his heart ripped out of his chest every day if he was racing using a Neuralink in his blockhead.


While I'm hear, let me just say that which character you choose in Mario Kart tells me everything I need to know about you. People who use Toad suck, people who use big fellas like Bowser or Donkey Kong are badasses who don't run from a challenge, and people that use Yoshi are intellectuals that are not only great at Kart but all of life.

P.S. For people that want to watch more about all this crazy tech, here's the full video of the guy who played Kart with his brain.