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Dear Kevin Harlan: Please, Whatever You Do, Do Not Ever Change How You Call Games

Kevin, can I call you Kevin? I would like to tell you something, and I feel like I speak for everyone with working ears. 

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, has an issue with how you call games. In fact, many rightfully consider you one of the GOATs. I cannot ever remember a time hearing Kevin Harlan call any game in any sport and think to myself 

"Man, this all sounds manufactured"

In fact, it's his passion and excitement that makes him so good. A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about the Mike Breen "BANG!" vs the Kevin Harlan "GOOOOOD" and how his call has now entered the conversation for best basketball call (outside of Mike Gorman's GOT IT!!), and I've never felt more confident about that take after what we got from both play by play guys so far in these playoffs. We got the Mike Breen's Double Bang


as well as Kevin Harlan's "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD" on the Jamal Murray game winner

and both were beyond chill-inducing. Does anyone listen to that Harlan call and think it's too much or that it's manufactured? Hell no! It's the exact reaction we as fans want in that moment! So while I appreciate the fact that Harlan is concerned about this stuff, I would like to assure him it's nowhere close to being the case. 

When I hear Harlan call a game I never get the sense that he's too much of a fan or biased like you sometimes get on the local broadcast or that his reaction is too over the top. I can understand when one of his calls in a big moment goes against your team you feel immense pain, but that's the beauty in it. It's the same thing with Mike Breen's single or double bang. When it happens FOR your favorite team, it's the greatest call you can ever experience. But when it happens AGAINST your favorite team, it's the worst feeling on earth. 

What makes Harlan and Breen so good is their ability to have a call that matches the moment. The call itself, the passion in which they deliver it, and the way it perfectly sums up how everyone feels are truly unique and certainly not easy to do. I mean he held that "GOOOOOOOOOOOOD" for what felt like an eternity on that Murray game winner, and it was exactly what the moment needed. I imagine Nuggets fans were on cloud nine in that moment, and they deserved a reaction that matched the feeling which is exactly what Harlan provided.

So please, Kevin, never change. Ever. Let yourself get excited, let that excitement flow through your mic into the world, and keep giving us what is arguably the best big-moment basketball call we have. 

While the internet may never be able to fully agree on anything, I feel confident in saying this is something that has universal agreement. 


Kevin Harlan doesn't need to change a goddamn thing.