
Bob Kravitz Is Now In Full Back Pedal Mode As He Tries To Apologize For Deflategate


Just Unbiased Reporting from Bobby Kravitz

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INDIANAPOLISAs you can imagine, the last two-plus weeks have been pretty intense, filled with torrents of mean tweets and general hatred toward your Humble Correspondent (that would be me). New England fans are among the most vocal and spirited I’ve ever encountered, and I’m relatively sure I’ve heard from roughly 75 percent of them. Before my mea culpa, let me get this out of the way right now: New England fans can take issue with the Colts for having called out the Patriots on this issue; that’s their prerogative. They can scream sour grapes, sore losers, whatever they choose, but the facts were immutable: I wrote there was an investigation. There WAS, and IS, an investigation. It’s my job to get it right, and I got it right. End of story. Here, though, is where New England fans are right to be angry with me, where some media are correct in criticizing me. I tweeted that if ESPN’s Chris Mortensen report was right – if 11 of 12 footballs were two pounds-per-square inch deflated below the number mandated by the NFL – then heads should roll, specifically the one belonging to Bill Belichick.

In ensuing tweets and a column or two, I wrote that if owner Robert Kraft had an ounce of integrity, Belichick would be bounced immediately, draft picks should be forfeited and the Pats should be fined. What I failed to do was make it abundantly clear, “IF the Patriots are found guilty of having tampered with the footballs…” I failed to understand, at least at the time, that each tweet, taken by itself, is an independent organism, not a part of a continuing narrative.


Hey Kravitz you punk…apology DENIED. See here is what the problem with Kravitz is. He plays both sides of the fence. He tries to act like some impartial journalist who was just reporting the news while simultaneously hating the Patriots. They guy doesn’t even realize he was a patsy. He was willingly used by Bobby Grigson, Mike Kensil and the Colts as their mouthpiece to spread lies and anti Patriot propaganda. Did he ever question why this info was leaked to him so fast? Nope. He never questioned any part of the story at any time. He never reported any discrepencies in the stories. If he just said the NFL was investigating the deflated balls and left it at that I could live with it.

But he acted as the judge and jury and ran with it. In the days and weeks after he broke Deflategate he made it sound like the Patriots should be given the death penalty. He said if Bob Kraft had an ounce of integrity he’d fire Bill Belichick.  He told me personally the Patriots had a culture of cheating. He never once addressed the Seahawks with PED’s or the Colts pumping in crowd noise or who his source was. He never asked whether Deflategate may just be sour grapes? He never mentioned how other QB’s openly said they doctored footballs. It was 100% anti patriot propaganda the entire time.  He created the story he wanted to hear and tried to pass it off as unbiased reporting. Everything he wrote was from a place of hate and jealousy. Only now is he backtracking because he knows he’s about to be wrong. That everything he wrote and said was garbage. Yes he was right about the NFL investigating Deflategate, but he made himself the judge and juror and tried to hang an innocent man and he knows it. Sorry Bobby but it’s too late for Mea Culpas. You hate us cause you ain’t us and it’s that simple.