
If Tom Brady Gets Punished For Deflategate The Terrorists Have Won



This may seem like a preposterous statement on the outside, but I’m 100% being serious. I don’t care if you think Tom Brady is guilty or not. Our legal system and the presumption of innocent before proven guilty is one of the most important tenants this country was built upon. If Roger Goodell suspends or even fines Tom Brady he will be throwing that all out the window and along with it everything that our forefathers fought and died for. Seriously I could picture Hitler punishing somebody for “probably being more guilty than not guilty”, but not here in America. Here in this country it’s about burden of proof and Roger Goodell and his merry band of idiots have none of it and they have nobody to blame but themselves.

The NFL knew that there were complaints about our footballs. They could have warned the Patriots, but they didn’t. Instead they tried to set a trap for them and failed miserably. We have ZERO documentation of how much the Patriot footballs weighed before the game. We only have Walt Anderson’s word that he did check them. How the NFL didn’t insist he record the PSI of every single ball before the game knowing the Colts had issued a formal complaint is bizarro world. It makes me wonder whether the balls were actually checked with a pressure gauge at all or whether Walt Anderson is just covering his tracks now.  Why do we have the documentation of how much the balls weighed at halftime and after the game but not before it? I think it’s entirely possible some of the footballs were below 12.5 PSI to begin with which would not be the Patriots fault. And even if they were checked with a gauge which one was it? How do we know it was accurate? After all when the balls were checked at halftime the same ball would come back with drastically different results depending on which ref conducted the test. How can we trust anything at this point? The bottomline is that there was zero consistency measuring any of the footballs.  The NFL’s own tests are wildly different. So again regardless of whether you think Brady is guilty or not the NFL butchered their own investigation by the way they gathered the evidence. It’s impossible to punish somebody when you have no proof of what happened or chain of custody.

Added Bonus – Why didn’t the NFL check the balls after they disappeared before the game started? Walt Anderson claims in 20 years he never couldn’t find the balls. Now they are suddenly gone and the Colts have already accused the Pats of tampering with the balls? This could have ended it one way or the other. But nope once again the NFL bungled it and waited till halftime.