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Introducing the first-ever Barstool Game Show to help get our fans through a pandemic quarantine. We've designed a nightly game show to take place on social media to see which Stoolie contestants can go the distance! 

With two fans competing nightly in mental, physical, and comedic challenges, we'll crown a winner every night while entertaining the masses and hopefully raising money for healthcare workers who need all the support they can get during these trying times. 

Games such as Shelter In Place, Herd Immunity, and Flattening the Curve will challenge contestants to compete in their apartments via a livestream with KFC and Feits hosting. Tune in each night to see that episode's contests and see who wins

Two contributors will be randomly selected. Must have either an iPhone or the Google Chrome browser to participate.

Watch the livestream on KFC Radio Youtube, Twitter/Periscope, and Monday-Friday at 7:30PM ET. 

Donations go to Direct Relief. Direct Relief works in the U.S. and internationally to equip doctors and nurses with life-saving medical resources to care for the world's most vulnerable people. Learn more at