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Manhattan Is Adding A New Area Code (332) In 2017


NY Daily News-  Gotham is getting a new number.  The New York State Public Service Commission announced Tuesday that Manhattan will get a new area code — 332 — in spring 2017.

All telephone companies in the 212, 646 and 917 area code region have been directed to file an implementation plan for the new code within nine months.  Along with the already existing codes, 332 will serve residential and business clients.

“The need for a new area code points to a thriving telecommunications market and growing population overall in New York City,” said Commission Chair Audrey Zibelman.  The North American Numbering Plan Administrator that oversees the telephone numbering system projected that Manhattan would run out of current available numbers in late 2017.


So as the city keeps getting more and more crowded, we have another area code making its way into Gotham.  And 332 is weak as fuck.  It’s like a running back looking slow because he wears the number 37 or something.  To be honest, anything outside of a 212 area code in NYC is poor people shit.  Like your cell phone can be a 917 or 646 number and I have no problem with it.  But if you are a business that doesn’t have a 212 phone number, I don’t respect you.  I have actually chosen companies that had a 212 number over those that didn’t have a 212 number just because of the prestige of it all.

Back when my old job paid for my cellphone bill, I was actually given the option to keep the number that the phone came with (with a 212 area code) or keep my current phone number (with a Westchester 914 area code).  I kept my current number because I didn’t want to have to switch numbers and give people my new info.  I clearly regret that now.  I feel like my whole life changed at that moment.  I feel like I would be Jordan Belfort right now with that 212 phone number.  Sure I don’t have the talent, drive, or intelligence to have made that happen.  But it’s kind of like look good, feel good, play good.  Have a good phone number, feel good, become a multi-millionaire.

Speaking of area codes, I feel like “Area Codes” by Ludacris has fallen through the cracks and has become a criminally underrated song.  Young, hungry Luda, the heavenly pipes of Nate Dogg (RIP) and just a sick, funky beat.  What a beautiful combo right there.  And “I bang cock in Bangkok” still makes me laugh to this day.