
Credit To LeBron James For Crediting Bryce James For Winning The Game In This Totally Candid Moment That Somehow Got On The Internet

Shout out LeBron James here. No idea how this video leaked to the Internet or how they were able to get such clear audio of this extremely private video of LeBron and his younger son Bryce. No clue whatsoever how it could have happened. LeBron, who I’m a huge fan of, never lets anything on the Internet.

But, I guess the real shout out here is to Bryce. I mean credit LeBron for crediting Bryce for winning the game for his team. He had the and-1. He made an outlet pass and apparently made the game-winning assist. Typical James behavior to go out and win a game for your team. Probably beat some eastern located team in order to make the finals if you ask me.

This is one of those videos where it’s tough to be a LeBron guy. I just want to watch him destroy dudes on the court and be somewhat normal off the court. Don’t force this video out there. Come on, now you’re going to get pageviews for me and I appreciate that – credit to LeBron for the pageveiws – but this is just an easy target for some to make fun of him.