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Presidential Hopeful Amy Klobuchar Ate A SALAD With Her COMB Like A PSYCHOPATH

Fox News- Democratic presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar faced fresh accusations Friday of belittling staffers, with a new report relaying a bizarre account of how she allegedly berated a staff member who failed to bring her a fork with her salad.

According to the newspaper, the aide who neglected to get plastic utensils for Sen. Klobuchar, D-Minn., committed the affront at an airport while traveling to South Carolina in 2008. Klobuchar not only chastised the aide, but reportedly proceeded to eat the salad using a comb from her bag — then handed the comb to the aide and told him to clean it.

According to the [New York Times] report, former aides said she was “not just demanding but often dehumanizing.”

But according to a Buzzfeed News report, numerous staffers said Klobuchar routinely sent late-night emails and berated subordinates over minor details and missteps. The report also said, “one aide was accidentally hit with a flying binder, according to someone who saw it happen, though the staffer said the senator did not intend to hit anyone with the binder when she threw it.”


Alright, I’m not going to utensil-shame here. I’ve eaten with objects that I’m not proud of, including: finger, corn husk, various pieces of trash, pen, needle, and I once broke a fork into a spork. Sometimes, you have to be resourceful. You know the old Yoplait yogurts? There’s always a rim of yogurt on the bottom that you can’t scoop with a regular spoon. So I flip the spoon around and use the handle to get to it. No big deal.

Having said that, I have NEVER eaten what I assume was a DRESSED SALAD with what I assume was a USED COMB. That’s too much, friend. I’m aghast. When I first read the headline, I assumed Amy had forced the staffer to eat the salad with her fork as some sort of hazing/punishment tactic. Nope!

“My hair, don’t care,” she said with a shrug. And as she crunched through her last crouton, she detached a single long strand from the comb and proceeded to floss with it.

I don’t give a shit that she made the guy clean the comb after. That’s not news. Let’s all grow up. The dude forgot to bring her utensils, so he must be held responsible for cleaning that which she was forced to use. Question is… why didn’t she just send him back for a fork? Makes you think this wasn’t her first time eating with a comb. Call me crazy, but I smell a routine. Somebody check that comb for teeth marks.

As for the binder throw? I love it. Just like Melissa McCarthy’s basketball coach character from SNL. That level of intensity is exactly what we need from someone with access to the nuclear codes. Sadly, I can’t get past the comb-salad situation. Otherwise, she’d have my vote.

Good luck Amy! The internet will NEVER forget this.