
I Can't Stop Laughing At This Picture Of WhiteSoxDave And Eddie At The Red Sox Game

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If you’ve been paying attention there’s a big controversy in the Chicago HQ office about how close White Sox Dave sits to Eddie. Not trying to make a huge deal out of it or anything but we wrote 3 blogs on the subject in a 3 hour window yeseterday:

#1 Carl – I Can’t Get Over How Close WhiteSoxDave Sits Next To Eddie In Our Shithole Office

#2 Eddie – Sadly The Rumors About Whitesoxdave Sitting On The Same Side Of The Booth Are True

#3 WSD – Addressing The Rumors That I’m A Same Side Of The Booth Guy

Again not a huge deal just trying to set the record straight on the internet and teach some close-sitters a lesson. There’s a lot of weird behavior out there in the workplace and we’d be remiss not to address any gross violations as such

That said I want to be very. V clear – these Bizarro Versions of WSD and Eddie at the Red Sox game last night are the most wholesome fans in baseball. Stupid too because you could stand to open up your crotch and let it breath one time. But mostly wholesome because just a couple of guys enjoying the old ball game.

Reminds me of the good old days when people weren’t vaccinated and you could get unregulated rat meat sold as a hot dog for a dime before getting hit by a train on the way home because public infrastructure best practices had yet to be developed. In the meantime your cousin William’s dying from Typhoid Fever while the Stock Market’s about to hit a 10-year low because of course there’s no growth after The Great War. The only thing keeping your mind off spiked maternal mortality rates is the fact that baseball was being played the right way by everyone: players, owners, fans.

They’re called the good old days for a reason. Show some fucking respect.