
Chicago Cab Driver In Hot Water After Kicking Out A Gay Couple For Kissing



(Source) Two men claim a taxi driver kicked them out of their cab in the rain for, in the cabbie’s words, “making sex” in his ride. According to CBS, the men claim what they did was a closed mouth kiss in the back seat. Now we’ve done some things in cabs we aren’t proud of (and others we are) and, while a simple peck of a kiss may lead to sex, it isn’t. Steven White and his boyfriend Matt McCrea said they were traveling to O’Hare International Airport last Thursday when the cabbie was shaken by the Kiss of Doom. CBS writes:

“He indicated that it was a public mode of transportation and we shouldn’t kiss in his cab,” White says. “He pulled the cab over and stopped and wanted us to get out — on the Kennedy.”“He could have asked us to please don’t do that and handle the situation a lot differently than it was handled,” McCrea says.

Park Ridge Police were called to a Dominick’s on Cumberland, where the cabbie made the “making sex” claim. His employer, Sun Taxi Associates, would not comment on the allegations. McCrea and White say they intend to file a complaint with the Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection, which oversees cabs in the city.

I feel like this is one of those situations where intent is everything. Was the cabbie kicking these two bros out of the cab because they were gay and he hates gay dudes frenching? Because if that’s the case then he’s a dickhead. It’s 2013, if you hate gay people you’re essentially a neanderthal. BUT, and this is a big but, if the cab drive just hates PDA then I am 100% on his side. People who kiss in public are assholes. Gay, straight, trans, bi, “making sex”, closed mouth kissing, nicknames, I don’t care. If you’re pulling a schmoopie in people’s grill you don’t deserve to live let alone ride in a cab. End of story.


Matt and Steve, such a cute gay couple name.