
This is a Picture of Lance Stephenson Posing With a Million Dollars in Cash in the Pacers Locker Room

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I know the title of the blog was confusing and all over the place, so to be more clear, this is Lance Stephenson, a player on the NBA’s Indiana Pacers, posing with a million dollars worth of cash (US Dollars) in the locker room.

I’m not a Lance Stephenson fan because he blew off Maryland to go to Cincinnati, which is about as low of a blow possible. I get Rudy Gay going to UConn over Maryland, fine. But Cincy over Maryland? That one hurt. So I hope the next time he has a milly in his hand he’s dropping it on houses and cars and mini horses and then goes broke and has to sell every single one of his mini horses.


Also, the key really looks like a wiener.

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