
I Can't Get A Read On This Eagles Fan Who Is Leaving His Anti-Birds Manifesto On Car Windshields At The Stadium


First off, I love the passion. Hell, I even agree with him on some of the points he’s making in his psychotic diatribe (Mainly payers need to quit being pussies, a coach is a coach and doesn’t need to be your fucking friend – See: 4x Super Bowl Winners to the North). But I simply can’t imagine the sheer will it would take to A) Be a (seemingly) grown man and have this amount of time/hate in your life and B) Spread your message in the streets like it’s a goddamn political manifesto. I know it’s me of all people saying this, but it’s just a game, man. If 56 years of heartache forces you to make a move like this, it may be time to pull a Frozen and just let it go. Or at least contact my father to learn how to numb yourself from the pain. Although that’s some pretty killer nicknames for “Dud Pederson” and “Lame Johnson”. Dad humor like that doesn’t grow on trees.

Also, gotta add some pizzazz to the letter to have it stand out. At least in Manayunk the passive aggressiveness of homemade hate notes is done with some flair.


h/t PI