
Obama Says We Will Be On Mars By 2030s

So Obama pinned this letter on CNN‘s site this morning. Best part is the editor’s note at the beginning.


Thank you CNN that is very helpful.

Barry has always touted himself as a scientifically-friendly president. As a big space guy. In his note, he mentions how just last year we discovered flowing water on Mars, ice on a Jupiter moon (Europa), and mapped Pluto in high-resolution. All good things. He then goes on to say we’ll be on Mars by the 2030s:

We have set a clear goal vital to the next chapter of America’s story in space: sending humans to Mars by the 2030s and returning them safely to Earth, with the ultimate ambition to one day remain there for an extended time. Getting to Mars will require continued cooperation between government and private innovators, and we’re already well on our way. Within the next two years, private companies will for the first time send astronauts to the International Space Station.

Look I love space and Mars as much as the next guy. Shit’s awesome. I could watch Netflix documentaries on theoretical physics and on the universal fabric of space and time all day and night (I have, many times). But there’s no fucking way we have someone successfully on Mars and return home by the 2030s. Last month Elon Musk’s rockets are exploding negative one seconds into takeoff and an hour later he’s unveiling plans to colonize Mars. It all sounds great but there’s no fucking shot.

This is so obviously a fuck you play from Obama to whichever presidents come next. This is like a comedian opening for another and being like “and now, the single funniest most unbelievably funny you can’t watch without crying laughing the entire time funny comedian in the world, _____.” You’re just FUCKING that person.

Hell of a lame duck move from Barry. “Yeah sure my presidency is over so we’re definitely gonna be on Mars in 15-20 years, take it to the bank. Good luck fuckers.”

Barry, Leo and Musk are so clearly up to something.