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Princeton Bro Who Shot His Dad In The Face For Cutting His Allowance Upset They Aren't Refilling His Steroids Prescription Or Offering Yoga Classes In Prison

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NYDNThe spoiled manchild accused of killing his wealthy hedge-fund chief dad wanted to know where the yoga classes were being held on Rikers Island, multiple jail insiders said.

“He kept asking for yoga,” a jail staffer said of Thomas Gilbert Jr. “He thought he was in some resort.”

The Princeton grad is charged with flying into a murderous rage when he confronted his fed-up dad, Thomas Gilbert Sr., 70, over the downsizing of his $600 weekly stipend, police said.

Gilbert, 30, was actually in a good mood and chatty when first booked in January, according to a jail worker.

“It almost looked like he was happy being in jail,” the source recalled. “It was the first time in his life he didn’t have pressure.”

Still, he was initially placed on suicide watch inside a special mental observation unit out of an abundance of caution that the silver spoon son wouldn’t be able to handle his new surroundings, sources said.

He repeatedly asked for somewhere to go exercise and was frequently seen jogging in place, sources said.

“He really thought he was at this upscale rehab,” another jail staffer said. “It was probably never going through his head that he’s probably never going home.”

Gilbert also repeatedly asked medical staff to call his private doctor to fill a muscle-building steroid prescription, the source said.

“He was obsessed with exercise,” the insider added.

Look there’s nothing really funny about a dude killing his dad obviously. Just cold blooded murder that left a woman widowed and a family in shambles. Thomas Gilbert Jr. is a piece of shit who should rot in the jail for the rest of his life then rot in hell after that.

But I will say this…if you’re gonna be the stereotype, the absolute epitome of the “silver spoon spoiled rich kid”…might as well go all out right? Might as well totally commit yourself to it and take it to the extreme? Like Daniel Day Lewis getting ready for a movie role, completely immerse yourself in it and don’t break character for anyone. Be a 30 year old male with an allowance from his daddy. Throw a temper tantrum and shoot said dad in the face when he cuts that allowance. Get stuck in Rikers and demand to be provided with yoga classes so you can properly exercise and center your chi. Demand the prison doctor call your private physician to fill your steroid prescription. Can’t even wait to see what’s next – probably have the family team of attorneys come in to sue the state for not providing silk pillowcases and 1020 thread count honey Egyptian cotton sateen bedsheets in his cell, or have the warden removed from duty for refusing to allow his private chef to prepare exclusively vegan and gluten-free meals in the mess hall.

I mean in this scumbag’s overall body of work, that’s something we can all respect a little bit at least. Total devotion to the trust fund baby character.

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