Announcing The 2018 Barstool Golf Shore Classic - Registration Begins Wednesday At High Noon

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While the rich at Barstool get to hack up and divot the fuck out of an elite US Open course today, we’d like to take a moment to focus on the common man by announcing our 5th Annual Barstool Classic. First and foremost, please remember the charity this event is once again helping out: Brave Hearts For Strong Minds. It’s a GREAT organization run by Stoolies that assists kids who have lost a parent in regards to being able to afford their further education. The children and families are Philly area and this is one of those things where you can actually see the difference you make instead of just writing a blank check to some big charity. Be sure to support this cause and charity whether you plan on golfing or not.

Link To The Brave Hearts For Strong Minds Website