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You Will Not Catch Me Bragging About Winning the US Open Yesterday At Shinnecock But It Is A Reminder Why I'm The King

Listen I’m not here to gloat about what happened yesterday. It’s just not my style. I mean you all saw how I dominated Shinnecock. How I did exactly what I said I’d do. There is no need to brag about it. No need to rub it in. That’s not the point of this blog.

Nope instead I’d just like to emphasize what a pivotal moment this was in the history of Barstool Sports. Because every culture, company, kingdom have moments like these. When the king of the jungle is challenged by a member of the tribe. When the commoners wonder if it is their turn to rule. If the King’s reign has come to an end. Whether there is a moment of weakness that they can pounce upon. It’s called the circle of life. It happens everywhere from the Lion King, to Julies Caesar, to Rwanda. That’s why yesterday was about so much more than a simple golf match. It was Riggs and his fancy Harvard degree angling for the crown. And like two Lions we battled not only for golf supremacy but for Barstool supremacy. In the end the challenge ended the same way that so many have ended before it. With my opponent left bloodied, conquered and bending the knee. With me re-affirming my place upon the Barstool Throne. That’s why yesterday mattered. Not because of a silly hypothetical golf question. But because it cemented my legacy and reminded the masses that we have yet to reach the twilight of my reign. That’s why yesterday mattered. #GoPresGo Indeed. All Hail the King!

We’ll be at the US Open next month, Stoolies click here for a special offer to join us at Shinnecock.