Remember Wendell Brown? The American Football player Jailed in China for Self-Defense? Well He just got Sentenced to 4 years in Jail.
Here is a link to the previous blog I wrote about his situation. The 20 months he waited in jail for his verdict counts towards the 4 years so he now has around two years left on his sentence. That’s far from a silver lining when he didn’t even commit a fucking crime. The craziest thing I’m hearing about this case is that at the sentencing the judge admitted that he was acting in self-defense.
Wendell was one man being assaulted by numerous attackers. That usually calls for getting aggressive. And I don’t like to resort to playing the race card but we’re talking about China here, the same country where I get hired to pretend to be a doctor just because I’m a handsome white dude. Something tells me the judge is going to determine the 6 ft 225 pound African American man as the more aggressive party 10 out of 10 times.

Regardless of the circumstances though no man deserves to sit in jail for 4 years because of a bar fight. I personally made a horrible decision four years ago in China and ended up in a bar fight. The only difference between Wendell and I was that I lost the fight so no one gave a fuck. If I was Wendell’s size and actually had the first clue of how to defend myself, I could be in his very same position right now.
Wendell and his lawyer are obviously appealing the case. In the meantime here is another way to help: