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Find Something More Innocent Than Tommy Smokes Watching People Play Video Games

Full vid w/ Zah, Big Cat, Carrabis, Frankie, Tommy, and others here:

Seriously. Find something more innocent than Tommy Smokes watching people play Fortnite. You can’t. The kid is as cute as a button, and I mean that in the nicest, non-self-incriminating way possible. You’d think Tommy “Two Cents” Smokes’ innocence capped after he divulged his creation of an alternate fantasy reality through his own Madden stats, which culminated in him keeping tabs in a real life notebook about how much money he makes and about his guest appearances on HBO’s Ballers. But, nope. The young lad was already a legend in his own right, and now he keeps on succeeding while somehow, someway keeping his childish innocence/frame. Long live Tommy the kid.

Back on the sticks tonight with another possible date night at La Casa De Carrabis due to Phillies/Sox. Here’s hoping Carrabis carpet can take another bloodbath of red.


And someway, somehow that better than my previous, actual date night with the lady where we attempted to combine date night with Fortnite. Still worth it.