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Is This The Single Most Disrespectful Home Run Reaction Since The Invention of Baseball?

There’s a lot of controversy surrounding exactly when baseball was invented.  Was it around in 1330, when poet William Pagula mentioned “stoolball” in one of his works?  What about “trap ball” in the 14th century?  Was it a few centuries later with talk about “dog-and-cat” and “Horne-billets” in monographs (or was that more like cricket?)  Various childrens books in the 1700s mentioning variations of the game we know today?   Or the widely believed myth that Abner Doubleday invented it in 1839…or the more factually based Alexander Cartwright for the Knickerbockers in 1845?

Whatever you believe – take that year, subtract it from 2018, and that’s how many years we’ve gone without showing a level of disrespect this high on the diamond.

I cannot – simply cannot – imagine the severity of the concussion this guy received the next time he stepped up to the plate. I mean I don’t know how fast this kid can throw, but with the extra oomph behind it from getting disrespected like this, we’re talking fastball straight through the earhole and possibly right out through the other side.  Best 22 can hope for is that it’s a clean through-and-through with no fragments left behind in the brain matter.

My count from contact to the first running stride he takes:

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That’s like 7 minutes in baseball unwritten rule time.

Oh and to be clear, I love it.   Absolutely love it.  Don’t want to get stared down for 7 full seconds with a bat flip that knocks down the stadium lights?  Don’t give up the bomb.  And whatever he’s got coming to him, he deserves that too.  That’s just the rules.