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Damien Woody Is A Fraud

Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 8.33.34 AMAlright I’m not gonna spend much time or emotion on this. I’m just going to lay out some facts. Sunday night the Bears lost when a Cody Parkey field goal went off the left upright and crossbar. I captured my response to the devastating loss, shared it and went home and wrote some blogs about the game. That’s my job. Again just sticking to the facts here because I’m not a fraud. I’m gonna shoot you straight always that’s my promise.

And because I’m always going to shoot you straight I’ll start right now by sharing the original clip of me being a viral sensation:

Along the way some notable people saw my tweet and wanted to use my hard earned aggression for their own gain. Okay fine whatever.  It’s the internet this is life let’s move on.

But then a certain former NFL player turned Evil Empire employee Damien Woody had to throw his hat in the ring with some extremely sensible commentary to his presumably NFL-dominant Twitter following:

I could stop here and body bag Damien Woody on the sheer fact he just minimized the NFL fan experience in 7 words. His job is to talk and cover and entertain around the NFL season you would imagine that he’d have a little depth of perspective for the weight of sports to some people. You’d think he wouldn’t have to imagine being that mad because he would know through a life of experience why people LOVE the NFL.

But I’m not here for this fight. I’m bigger than that. I don’t throw stones because unlike Damien Woody I’m smart enough to know when I live in a glass house.:

Less than 2 months ago the Jets lost at home to the Bills by 31. Damien had the luxury of processing this crushing defeat for hours. It was 14-0 after the 1st and 31-3 at half. They didn’t lose on a last second double doink to advance. We don’t need to rehash the circumstances. You get the point.

And here’s another point. Damien says at the 56 second mark AND I QUOTE –  “I don’t wanna hear anybody say any goddamn thing moving forward.” 

Idk if that’s a threat but boy oh boy am I not gonna say any goddamn thing to him moving forward. Sure seems like I’d get my ass beat if I did.

PS – Figure it out. Seriously. Figure it out one goddamn time. Pick a line in the sand and this goes to all of you that can be lumped in with Damien Woody. Either sling mud with the rest of us or get the FUCK  out of my mentions. It’s the internet. It’s 2019. Adapt and keep moving. There isn’t time to sit and sulk and point fingers and cry. Go make some fucking content and stop worry about a guy who was selling insurance last week.