Surviving Barstool S4 Ep. 8 | Hardest Puzzle Breaks BrainsWATCH NOW


Gordon Hayward Asks His Wife Live On Stream If He Can Play One More Video Game And I Think We All Know The Response




DENIED! Hey, it’s worth a shot. Trust me. Actually, don’t trust me. I am a boyfriend who once tried to do the impossible and do what no man has done before: Combine date night and video games. Do I regret my actions? Yes. Yes I do.

How was I such a cocky fool to think I could do something in relationships that has never been done before? Who am I to play God? Trust me, and trust me well, you do NOT want to tinker around in the gaming department when the lady is not interested. That’s how relationships, and people, get hurt. So good on Gordy for simply hanging up the sticks when his time was up. Follow the boss’s orders and everything will be just fine. It’s OK, because remember, Gordon – Daddy’s always happy, dammit. Daddy’s always happy.