
Do You Think The Kings Give A Rat's Ass About A Ja Rule 'Curse'?

Yo, Ja Rule. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Stop stealing Lil B’s bit and stop cursing teams that have sucked for years. Also, leave Karl-Anthony Towns’ name off your goddamn lips. He’s not even on the Kings you idiot.

But how about the Kings here. I love that they are just firing back at Ja Rule. You think they give a rat’s ass about some curse? No. Because there ain’t no curse. Plus, the Kings were already cursed in prior lives by Tim Donaghy and shitty front office work.

This is now the 2nd time he’s tried to curse a team after failing miserably at the Bucks halftime.

Well the Kings lost to the Wolves so obviously they were going to troll using Ja Rule. That’s how you do it on NBA Team Twitter. Deflect losses. But Ja keeps losing his mind after putting up that stinker at halftime.

Just don’t mess with the Kings twitter. They will mock you and your failed concert. And if Ja tries to bring up KAT one more time than I’m putting a curse on him.