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If Your Kids Put Your Phone Number On A Billboard You Have To Immediately Write Them Out Of Your Will

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Huff Post - It’s a sign of the times from two Florida men who gave their dad a billboard instead of a card on his 62nd birthday.

Chris Ferry’s sons wanted to wish him a happy birthday, but they were in the Sunshine State and he was back home in New Jersey. So they decided to rent a billboard near Atlantic City for $2,000. The display featured his face and the words “Wish My Dad Happy Birthday — Love, Your Sons.”

Oh, they also included his phone number.

As a result, the billboard has been the gift that keeps on giving because Ferry’s phone has been ringing off the hook with calls and texts, according to Inside Edition.

“Every state in the union, Luxembourg, Nepal, Kenya, Philippines. … That little island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, they tried calling me,” Ferry told Inside Edition.

Ferry estimates that he’s received more than 15,000 calls and texts so far, according to CBS New York.

For sons Chris and Mike, the billboard is the continuation of a childhood prank they used to play on their dad.

“They would always tell the waiter [or] waitress it’s my birthday, even though it wasn’t,” Ferry told the CBS station.


Done. Done, done, done. That’s what your kid should be if they put your phone number on a god damn billboard. There’s absolutely NOTHING funny about putting someone’s number on blast like that. As a society, I feel we enter into an agreement where some things are held sacred. You don’t put your ex’s nudes onto the internet, you don’t narc on your neighbors for smoking a doobie, and you don’t put someone’s freaking phone number on a billboard. Nevermind your kids doing it as a PRANK. That’s the worst prank ever. It’s like one of those YouTube pranks where people get punched in the face. Imagine not being able to use your phone because your shit-head kid blasted your number for the entire world to see? Sounds like the ninth ring of Hell.

Look, kids. Just because something is funny in your head doesn’t mean it’s as funny when your dad is having a heart attack and he can’t call an ambulance because his phone is overheated because he’s getting non-stop calls from the Philippines.

So what’s the solution? Take them right out of the will. This guy wiped their butts, took them to hockey practice, paid for their college, and they repaid him by….doing the worst prank possible? Hey kids,