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Robyn Hayward Is Out Here Speaking Nothing But Facts


Preach girl preach! Robyn Hayward is out here speaking nothing but truths as far as I’m concerned. You know it, I know it, she knows it, everyone knows it. Anyone who has watched this team over the last few weeks aside from Brad Stevens knows that the more that’s put on Hayward’s plate the better he’s looked. Over the last month we’ve seen Hayward’s minutes come in at 24.8 which in my opinion isn’t nearly enough. He’s been at 30+ over the last two games and look how much better everything looks for both him and the second unit.

Now even if part of her was just being a ride or die wife, again she’s telling the truth. You look at Hayward’s minutes splits and it tells and interesting story

10-19 minutes: 112 Ortg / 10.5 points, 1.8 rebounds, 3.8 assists

20-29 minutes: 108 Ortg / 10.4 points, 4.3 rebounds, 3.2 assists

30-39 minutes: 124 Ortg / 16.3 points, 6.5 rebounds, 4.6 assists

Not to mention he also has his highest TS% when he plays over 30 minutes, something he’s only done 12 times so far this season. It’s not rocket science, maybe he didn’t deserve that extended run earlier in the year, but seeing as how we ALL want to see the old Hayward again maybe the solution is just like Robyn says. Get him on the floor, give him the ball, and watch the magic unfold.

When you combine Hayward’s progression with the sever regression of both Terry and Mook, it’s pretty much the biggest no brainer for Brad to adjust his rotations in a way that Hayward is playing at least 30 minutes a night in the playoffs. If you remember from this morning’s blog Hayward’s usage wasn’t even that crazy last night, but the fact that he was on the floor was all that mattered. Defenses now have to worry about his scoring, he’s still one of the best playmakers this team has and can run P&R with the best of em, and we have enough of a body of work to where Brad honestly has no other choice.

Nobody knows better than Robyn how close we are to seeing the old Hayward, so if she’s saying he’s back as long as he gets minutes than who are we to argue? If we get to the playoffs and we’re still seeing Hayward play like 23-25 minutes a night and losing minutes to Mook, well I’m pretty sure we have to riot.