
KFC Radio Episode 40 and The Player Haters Ball Challenge

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Yesterday was out 40th episode. Creeping up on a year soon enough. And over the past year there’s been so much hate from the handful of disgruntled Barstool commenters I figured we should have our first annual KFC Radio Player Haters Ball. We’re calling out all the biggest Barstool haters – the ones who say every single blog and every single episode suck. I’m sure there are different haters for different bloggers. Over the years here on Barstool NY there’s been too many KFC haters to count. I think currently the biggest crybabies are Trident, Wilburham, and pedrofartinez? I’m sure there’s plenty more. This is my open invitation/me calling you out to come on the show and actually explain your bizarre levels of hatred for me and my work. I’m not sure if anyone hates Big Cat yet and I know everyone already hates Feitelberg. But for any of the guys who love to hate on me or Barstool in general, this is your chance to come on the show and let it rip.

Email me and we’ll try to set things up with a couple of you guys for an episode sometime in the near future.

PS – 0% chance anyone of them has the balls to do it.