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Does This Look Like The Face Of A Guy Who Did A 12-Year Internship At Barstool?


The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part

—Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

Yeah, that song is about fucking but like all art, you can interpret or use it however you want. And I certainly leaned on it more than once while biding my time here at the Stool. For me, contributing to the Stool was a little like being invited to a cool party but not being able to go down to the basement where the drugs were. Sure, it was sweet to be at the party. But shit, I wanted to rip it up.

Now, thanks to me co-founding a cash cow my hard work and hustle over many moons, I can bury my face in the proverbial plate. So I will happily follow my Boston blogging compadre Jerry Thornton by pulling the ‘chute on a soul-sucking civilian gig to instead work for a place that scratches our creative itches while getting our full dollar’s worth on the First Amendment, I feel like I got the GET OUT OF JAIL FREE card in Monopoly. So thank you, Dave and Erika. You won’t regret it (as much as other hirings).

Spittin’ Chiclets, the hockey podcast I host with Biz and Whit that Grinnelli produces, will continue to be my main focus. I still have to pinch myself every once in awhile when I take stock of what Chiclets has become. What started off like Matt and Ben doing a bad Wayne and Garth impression slowly but surely morphed into something neither Whits or I could’ve imagined when we sat down to record our first show (with one mic) in February of 2016. Grinnelli cleaned us up in due time. And adding that fucking savage Biz took us to Bananalands. And we want to thank our ridiculously loyal listeners for getting us to where we are. We won’t be resting on our laurels.

I’m also going to be blogging a fuck-ton more than I have in ages. Pucks. Movies. TV. Recommendations. Salutes to the recently deceased depending on level of popularity. Gambling. Shitheads in the news. Gratuitous lists. Whatever. I’m looking forward to getting back to my Stool roots a because blogging is how I made my bones and I missed it.

But wait, there’s more. I’m also gonna pop up doing who-knows-what or venturing to God-knows-where for content purposes. I’m down for pretty much anything (they don’t call me Rear Admiral for nothing). I’ll also need to get an Acela miles account because I’ll be schlepping down to Manhattan as needed (i.e. when Riggs can’t do radio because he is on another “work trip” where he golfs at a scenic, prestigious location). And whatever else that comes across my plate.

I’m psyched and can’t fucking wait to get crackin’.

(In case you don’t recognize that stud dripping sex in the HS senior pic above…)


Suck on that, Leafs fans.


@rearadchiclets (they got my old ass on Instagram)