
I Can Assure You That Nobody Cares About The Gender Of Your Baby Enough To Set Your Car On Fire About It

Okay so first of all–how are gender reveals still so popular in the society we live in today which would consider assuming the gender of a baby before he or she is born to be highly problematic? I figured that gender reveals would have been #Cancelled at least a few months ago. And how come pink has to represent a girl, while blue has to represent a boy? Why can’t the boy be pink? Kinda messed up if you ask me.

But that’s besides the point. The fact of the matter here is that gender reveals need to come to an end anyway because nobody cares about the gender of your baby. I promise you that much right now. The thing is that think about every single person who is currently living on planet Earth. Each and every one of those people have been born at some point. That’s billions and billions of people who have been born. If you think that your specific baby is special…well…I mean…if there are billions of one thing than how can any one of those things be considered special? It might be special to you, which is great and everything. But there’s going to be a baby born halfway across the planet right now who will never in their life know that your baby even exists. It’s just that everybody is born at some point. And most people come out with either a penis or a vagina. It happens all the time every day. Which means that maybe, juuuuust maybe, it’s not quite worth going through the hassle of having your car explode just to reveal the gender of the baby. I could be wrong though.
