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This Actor Throws A Football Like He's Never Thrown A Football Before

I’ll be honest, I didn’t do a ton of research for this blog. Sam Dekker quote tweeted the video you see above, I watched it, it stopped me in my tracks and now I’m in the back end of blogging the video. The show or movie appears to air on FREEFORM but that’s the extent of what I know about it. That actor might be on a show that mocks or satirizes high school jocks and he better hope that’s the case because the way he throws that football is the most unnatural thing I’ve ever seen. Has he not seen one single second of one football game ever? Apparently not because he threw that football like his shoulder and back muscles are held together by tissue paper. By far the clunkiest, most herky jerky football throw these eyes have ever seen.

How did not one person on that set go up to him and say like, “Hey man, you’re doing great out here, but you know you throw that football like a fucking moron, right?” It would’ve taken ONE person to say something and I wouldn’t be blogging that video. You just know there was chatter on set behind that actor’s back about how terribly he throws a football. How could there not have been? Never not once in the storied history of the human race has a person been so bad at throwing a football. Especially since I’m guessing his character is the star quarterback or some shit. It hurts my body watching him throw that football and yet I’ve watched it 1,000 times.