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I'm Beyond Sick To My Stomach That I Agree With A Tennessee Person About Rupp Arena Not Living Up To The Standard Of Kentucky Hoops

It’s pretty simple. Kentucky is the gold standard for college basketball. Fuck UCLA. Fuck Indiana. You don’t count anymore. Fuck Duke and UNC. You still got work to do. Kansas you’re close, but not here yet. Louisville, good one.

Gold. Standard.

Now, that’s what this makes tough. Rupp Arena is a dump. I absolutely hate it. I hate that Kentucky plays there. It deserves so much better.

It starts and ends with one thing. The old, rich blueheads that wear their blue sweaters and khakis that take up 90% of the lower bowl. Instead of making Rupp an intimidating place to play all the time, it only works for big games. There are few places in the country that are better than Rupp when a top-15 team comes into town. But those Tuesday night games against Ole Miss? Yeah, it’s overrated as hell.

Yes, there are renovations going into place as we speak and a few phases to come, but will it change anything? I doubt it. Not until we move those old people away from the court and into boxes. We need a setup similar to what you see at say a Michigan State where the students can fill one sideline instead of just under one bucket.

Hell, even SEC players and Kentucky players agree (h/t The Athletic) 

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That’s all shit that needs to be said about Rupp at all times. It’s time that it’s talked about more and more. Kentucky deserves better than what they are currently getting at Rupp Arena. Time let actual fans fill the lower level and not some bluehead crybaby that will yell about someone standing up at the 12 minute mark.

Now I’m going back to throwing up after agreeing with someone from Tennessee.