
IG Model Hannah Palmer Gets Plastic Surgeon To Prove Her Boobs Are NOT Fake

The video above is from Hannah Palmer's Instagram, but has since been deleted. I'm not sure if it was a violation of an Instagram policy or Hannah Palmer took them down. 

Nonetheless, I thought this content should live because it justifies Hannah Palmer as a true human being, not one made of plastic. 

As you can see if you go on Hannah Palmer's Instagram, she has over 1 million followers. There are two big reasons for that:

Maybe another one too:

A lot of people believe that Hannah Palmer's boobs are fake. To prove those idiots wrong, she went to "one of the most experienced breast surgeons for the last two decades in Beverly Hills."

That is Dr. Garth Fisher and to put it lightly, the guy FUCKS. 

After doing the difficult job of examining Hannah's breasts, he determined they are in fact REAL:

Congratulations to Hannah. Way to prove the haters wrong.