Barstool's Top 10 Tik Toks Of The Week Volume 2
Welcome back to Barstool's Top 10 Tik Toks Of The Week. Volume 2 consists of yours truly, Mush, Feits, Kenjac, and the star of the week Kate! Here is my unbiased top 10 Toks of the week.
1. Bumble Match Goes WRONG
2. Kate Jumps Into The Cringe Military Tik Tok Game
3. What Do Cows Drink?
4. All I Wanted Was Subway For Lunch (This is very cringe, but it works in the Tik Tok world. This one guy made a video about him trying to find an apple for lunch, so he went to the Apple electronic store to find one and it got too many million views).
5. I'm So Sorry Mama!!!
6. A Man Who Loves Rum Ham, That's Her Type.
7. Mayochup - It's What's For Dinner
8. Ode To The Giant Foreplay Golf Ball In The Middle Of The Office
9. Look At The Time, It's Ass O' Clock
10. Duet With @imwatchinghimnow
In honor of my Mrs. Buttersworth and COOCHIE TUESDAY videos being taken down, I will now introduce the "Honorary Tik Tok That Got Removed Even Though It's Not Explicit At All Tok Of The Week". See ya'll next week!