
Presidential Candidate Grabs Dog By The Mouth And Shakes It

Technically that headline is what happened. But yes, this has been a shameless Clickbait Kate Production and I'm already a little bit sorry. 

Also though, WHAT IN THE EVER-LOVING-DOG-RATTLING-F*CK WAS THAT, Mr. Bloomberg? I've watched that video no less than 1,000 times now like a coach watching a replay to figure out where his team went wrong. Wh... why did we do that?


I mean.. what are you guys doing over there??

Long story short, whatever side of the fence you're on there's no denying wacky things happen when politicians try to appear human & relatable on the campaign trail, and a few other quick examples came to mind when I saw this. 

Lest we forget John Kasich eating pizza with a fork & knife in 2016...

Ben Carson's 'heyyyy, totally normal Jesus guy over here' wall art, also in 2016... 

....and the infamous 2012 Herman Cain 'everyman' Smoking Ad which is forever burned into my mind: 

Sweet dreams everyone!

Just political guys bein' regular dudes!