
We've Got Our First (Of Hopefully Many) Hard F Bomb During An In-Game XFL Interview

That right there is exactly what I want outta the XFL. I know they said this a cleaner version of the XFL this time around and blah blah blah but FUCK THAT. Nobody wants that, we want the exact opposite of clean and tidy. We can already get that from the NFL. We want hard f bombs dropping outta the XFL sky at all times. It seems like the guy running the BLEEP button fell asleep at the wheel but I can almost guarantee that was by design. Because you know what I'm not blogging? A bleeped f bomb, but I'm sure as shit gonna blog an f bomb that just so happens to sneak through. I like how the BLEEP guy came in hot a few seconds after the fuck had already dropped and cut the audio for no reason. Close but no cigar, Mr. Bleep (except wink wink here's a celebratory cigar because you did your job to perfection).