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Radio Station Running A "Porn Star For A Day" Contest Where The Winner Has A Foursome With Three Porn Stars

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All AccessMAGIC BROADCASTING Rock WYYX (97X)/PANAMA CITY, FL PD/MD STROKE MASTRO is running a contest that is sure to ruffle some feathers. MASTRO tells ALL ACCESS, “97X is running a contest where someone has the opportunity to become a porn star.  WYYX has teamed up with www.f** [Warning: Extreme Adult Content!] to make this a reality for one lucky person.  The contest is open to anyone 18 and above. “The owner of the website will fly into PANAMA CITY and pick from our top five selected applicants on the STROKE Radio Show for our special VALENTINES DAY Show.  The winner will be on the website APRIL 19th live webcam, with 3 porn actresses — JENNIFER WHITE, SARA JAE and LAYLA PRICE. We are excited to make dreams come true. ‘Who Wants to be a Porn Star’ has already created buzz in the community. The winner will be health screened and must prove he or she is clean.”

Now this is a fucking radio promotion. I sit around all day listening to the FAN. I got dumb ass Brad Benson chirping in my ears about his cars. I got Evan Roberts giving away fucking Nets tickets and stuff. Shit, even when Mike does the Marquis Super Bowl Trivier I tune out. I would never think about calling in or applying for these giveaways or anything like that.

But getting gangbanged by 3 porn stars? Now you’re cookin with gas. If I didnt have family and people who would probably kill themselves if they saw me in a foursome on camera, I’d do this in a heartbeat. Seriously if you’ve got nothing to live for, this is your moment. This website is legit. Obviously insanely NSFW but they got all these sample clips of how this all goes down and these porn stars straight up fuck their brains out. Just completely normal dudes. Old guys with tiny dicks and shit just getting the full service treatment from porn stars. Pretty fucking hilarious to be honest. Check these previous winners:

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Thats fucking hysterical. And you know what? I bet these guys and all their friends listen to 97X for LIFE. I’d listen to Michael Kay all day every day if he got me fucked by 3 porn stars. Brilliant marketing. Its a win win all around. I guess except for the porn stars who get fucked by mediocre dudes and old guys and shit. Probably not ideal for them but who cares about them they’re whores.

PS – Jennifer White is looking RUGGED.