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Does This Look Like the Face of A Dude Dressed As A Clown Assaulting Chicks With Dildos At A Haunted House?



Dailyherald – A woman and her 17-year-old daughter have sued the Massacre Haunted House in Montgomery, arguing they were assaulted and verbally harassed by two workers dressed as clowns holding sex toys. The lawsuit, filed by Montgomery resident Regina Janito, seeks unspecified damages for intentional infliction of emotional distress, assault and negligence on behalf of the haunted house operators. “The conduct of the haunted house and its employees crossed all lines of decency and common sense,” said attorney Michael Huseman. “Their conduct was outrageous and extreme. My client and her daughter were traumatized by the event. We hope this whole thing is resolved quickly.” According to the lawsuit, Janito, her daughter and three other minors drove to the haunted house on Oct. 11. They were met in the parking lot by two men dressed as clowns and holding sex toys who began to harass the group, according to the suit. One employee, Robert Keller, used a sex toy to poke the 17-year-old; the other employee, identified in the suit as John Doe, simulated a sex act with the toy while Keller made repeated lewd and offensive remarks to Janito and the girl. All four left the grounds without buying tickets, the suit states. “The acts committed by Keller and John Doe were beyond the standards of civilized decency and beyond the scope of what society is willing to tolerate,” the lawsuit stated.

Every year we get stories like these. People suing Haunted Houses. It’s the biggest crock of shit going. When you go to a haunted house you sign a social contract that people can do whatever they want to you. Some maniac starts poking you with a dildo pretending that they are going to rape you that’s part of the deal. That’s what they are getting paid to do. You signed up for this shit. You can’t complain after the fact. Hell I’m already on the record as saying I think every Haunted House should be allowed to literally murder 1 person per year. That would just keep everybody on their toes. The threat of actual death would make things a billion times scarier. Now don’t get me wrong I don’t like being scared and people jumping out at me. So you know what I do? I don’t go to haunted houses. Boom problem solved.