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Firefighters Help 900 Pound Oregon Woman Leave Her Bedroom For The First Time In 2 Years



Portland – A woman who weighs 900 pounds left her bedroom for the first time in two years Tuesday, and it was all made possible by a community effort. Sharon Hall-Dodson says she wants to work on improving her health, but she hasn’t been able to do that while stuck in her bedroom. For the past six months healthcare workers have been crafting a plan to move her to her living room. To make that happen, crews had to remove a chunk of her bedroom wall. Hall-Dodson says she’ll work on losing weight with proper equipment rather than having to move to an expensive skilled nursing facility. “The crews and everybody have been so wonderful. They have all gone over and above, and it’s made it a lot easier,” said Hall-Dobson. Several state agencies pitched in to help, including contractors and firefighters who volunteered their time. A Eugene health plan coordinator says it will help to have Hall-Dodson working on getting healthy in a safe and comfortable living environment.


Why even bother? Why spend 6 months getting Lardy McGoo out of the house? What’s the point? Like, I guess saving her life is a valid reason, but shouldn’t she have thought about that when she tipped the scales at, say…350? 400? How in the wide world of fuck do you get to 900 pounds? And what the fuck is up with her enablers? Shouldn’t they go to jail? The people who continued shoving chocolate down her gullet while she couldn’t leave her bed for 2 years are terrible people. If you can’t leave your bed for two years…two fucking years..the people who allow you to live like that should be tar and feathered in the public square.