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Ex Panthers GM Says Deflategate Makes Him Mad Because He Knows Pats Somehow Cheated To Beat Them In the Superbowl





CHARLOTTE, N.C. – The “Deflategate” controversy in New England resurrected questions former Carolina Panthers general manager Marty Hurney had about the Patriots after losing Super Bowl XXXVIII.”There isn’t a day that goes by since [then] that I haven’t questioned … that there were some things done that might have been beyond the rules that may have given them a three-point advantage,” Hurney said during his radio show. “And I can’t prove anything, and that’s why I’m very angry. And the anger has come back over the last couple of days that commissioner Roger Goodell decided to shred all of the evidence after ‘Spygate,’ because I think there were a lot of things in there that would bring closure to a lot of people.”

How about the balls on this fucking guy? Everytime I think we’ve heard the dumbest take possible somebody comes out of the clouds and says something even more ridiculous. This asshat wondering whether the Pats did anything beyond the rules that gave them a 3 pt advantage against Carolina. Umm bro YOUR ENTIRE FUCKING OFFENSIVE LINE ALMOST DIED FROM STEROIDS!


From 2006Panthers Management Ignored Alarming Steroid Use During Superbowl Season


According to an investigative report posted on the Charlotte Observer’s Web site on Sunday, a number of Carolina Panthers used a vast quantity and tremendous variety of performance-enhancing drugs during the team’s 2004 Super Bowl season. The newspaper looked at medical records and court documents released in conjunction with the federal steroids case against Dr. James Shortt, who last month was sentenced to one year and one day in prison for distributing steroids and human growth hormone.”Several of [the players] were using disturbing, particularly alarmingly high amounts with high dosages for long durations — some in combinations,” said Dr. Gary Wadler, who prepared a report for the U.S. Attorney’s Office that was used to prosecute Shortt. “This wasn’t just a passing flirtation with these prohibited substances. When I see [prescriptions] ‘renewed five times,’ I say, Players’ names were blacked out on Wadler’s report, but the Observer reported that six Panthers — and three of the five starting offensive linemen from the Super Bowl team — were taking performance enhancers. And many reported adverse reactions. The Observer reported that two players were given prescriptions for a combined five substances banned by the NFL — a week before the Panthers left Charlotte for the Super Bowl in Houston. Three of the substances — injectable testosterone cypionate, the banned supplement androstenedione and the hormone DHEA — had not been reported before.


And this fucking guy is gonna complain about us? Your entire team CHEATED. You were basically running a Balco lab in your team offices. Guys almost died. And you’re talking about us? Listen you don’t hear us complaining about steroid use. You don’t hear us mentioning how Pete Carroll’s Seahawks lead the NFL in PED suspensions. You don’t hear us talk about any of that shit. We go play football and kick your ass. Stop crying like a baby. Honestly this guy should have his tongue ripped so he can never speak again. That’s how stupid he is for bringing up Deflategate when he presided over the biggest steroid scandal in the last 20 years in the NFL.