Remember The Philly Bars Jon Taffer Rescued Last Month? Yeah, They've Already Ditched Their Makeovers
PHILLY – Michael Klein has the story that both recently filmed Bar Rescue bars are backing away from their Jon Taffer makeovers. The former Lickety Split has removed the “Alleged Pizza” graphics from its first floor and dumped its drink list from 2nd State Lounge upstairs. That might be just as well as the “South Street Sazerac” I was served was given an Absinthe rinse of about 4-ounces. As for Plush in Glenside, that bar was rechristened Osteria Calabria, though the staff evidently referred to it as “OC” from day one. A Facebook post shows they uncovered the bar top that Taffer overhauled. The Philadelphia episodes of Bar Rescue will appear on Spike TV in November with Lickety Split airing on November 9th and Plush a week later on the 16th. Hopefully both bars make it to their air dates.
SHUT IT DOWN!!! Looks like Jon Taffer got swindled with this one. The ol’ let a TV show come in, buy us all new equipment, change the name for a couple weeks then make out like bandits routine. Actually am surprised it doesn’t happen more. However, Taffer seems like he’s been doing good things for the places he rescues. Through 3 complete seasons, 33 of the 40 bars Taffer has “Rescued” are still open with a good amount of them doing better than before he arrived. I’ve never been to Plush, but Lickety Split could have changed it’s image to “Dicks And Grits” and it would’ve been an improvement.
Sloggers must be running that joint.