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I Couldn't Be Less Impressed By JJ Watt's High School Football Tape



Weak. Weak sauce. I’m not even kidding. I was expecting so much more. And I love JJ Watt. He’s probably my favorite NFL player at the moment. I watch him and am in awe of what he does on a football field. Dude is an absolute beast but that tape? Underwhelming to say the least. When I heard there was a JJ Watt high school football tape I expected to see people dying on the field. Literally. Him straight up ripping people’s heads off and snapping their bodies in half. There’s none of that. It just seems like he was one of those dudes who was clearly way bigger than everybody else at that age. Oh and I really didn’t need to see all of those plays twice. This concludes the blog where I actually talked down to JJ Watt about his athletic ability when I have less than zero athletic ability left in my body and he’s getting MVP votes.

PS- Gun to your head, if you watched JJ Watt’s football tape and my football tape and didn’t know which person ended up in the NFL, you’d pick mine, right? Pretty sure you do. I’m like Peaked In High School Rob Lowe. Here I am still bragging about my days of glory while JJ Watt is out there dominating his sport at the highest level. Whatever. I still think my tape is better.



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