Luke Bryan Says He's Done Playing Concerts At Spring Break Because He Doesn't Want To Be The Weird Old Guy


(Source linked above)- Seven years ago, Luke Bryan started up a tradition in Panama City, Florida: a no-frills, annual spring break concert. So how come he’s now folding up the tent on a party that draws hundreds of thousands of fans. Turning 38 apparently had something to do with it. Once he realized how many years he had on the spring breakers out there, he began to have second thoughts. As he told TODAY’s Jenna Bush Hager Monday, he didn’t want to be the “weird old guy.” “It’s kind of sad that it is the last one,” he admitted. “But somehow I was able have an excuse to be at spring break all through my 30s. It’s probably time to shut ‘er all down.”

I’m very torn on this move by Luke. On one hand I understand that you’re married and you’re tired of seeing kids with backpacks getting there asses beat while you’re just trying to sing Suntan City. But on the other hand you’re one of the only people with the golden ticket of being accepted in Panama City Beach past the age of 25. Now of course that’s because he’s a huge country star but for the sake of the blog you get what I’m saying.

I guarantee that if they had some type of giveaway for a golden ticket that said you can go on Spring Break for life without being shamed as the old weird guy you’d have motherfuckers in New Jersey camped out for months to get it. Thats because if you’ve ever gone on Spring Break you know the euphoric feeling of boozing for 7 straight days/nights while seeing college titties everywhere you go. Everybody has there memories from the times that they went and there is no doubt that if you had to pick to go back to one moment in college this would be it for a lot of people. So Luke Bryan telling us that he’s tired of college titties is a real slap in all of our faces because that’s what he’s basically saying. I didn’t even think it was possible to ever get tired of college titties. Such a shame.

Also a little off-topic but for what it’s worth Luke Bryan is a top 5 for people I’d trade lives with right now. I don’t know how many of you stoolies are into country but if you are you know that this dude can give literally any girl that he wants. Another hot tip is that if there is ever a Luke Bryan concert nearby, don’t ask questions and just go. That’s if you’re into the whole million hot girls in short jean shorts and cut up flannel shirts kinda things though. College titties, man. Who could ever get sick of em?