
Woman Who Wears A Corset 23 Hours A Day To Get A 20-Inch Waist Is EASILY The Hottest Of All These Girls Who Do Weird Stuff

Barcroft – Aleira Avendaño achieved an eye-watering 20 inch waist from wearing a corset 23 hours a day. The busty model, who is a surgically enhanced 34DD, has been wearing the waist-shrinking garment for the last six years and even refers to it as her second skin. And despite doctors’ warnings that the corset poses seriously health risks, Aleira continues to turn heads with her extreme shape.


GET IT ALEIRA! Normally the women doing weird stuff like this look Freak Show chic at best but you’re joking if you say this Aleira couldn’t get it. Compare Aleira’s body:


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to Jessica Rabbit’s:



And tell me that’s not at least a sexy curiosity that you’d like as a notch on the bedpost. But here’s the thing: Women who’d inevitably say that this promotes some kind of unrealistic body type are right. It IS an unrealistic body type and in fact one that will probably lead to her kidney rupturing because her small intestine strangled it to death after one random day in a corset. But so what? She’s actually eating healthy and working out and doing all the stuff to take care of herself that doctors recommend, let her have the one vice of corsetting herself into a cartoon character. Isn’t that what feminism is all about? Empowerment? Being different? Loving whatever you are? If she thinks this look is worth her newfound Peter Dinklage guts then so be it, more power to her.


Either way everything’s all good as long as she’s got Dr. Hot Takes over here watching out for her:

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Oh word it’s not a good idea to mash your guts up into a little ball like an overzealous fat kid rolling a snowball? Thanks, Doc but maybe let the prize fighters prize fight.