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Some Couple Did The Math On What A Stay-At-Home Mom Should Make And Good News I'm Becoming A Stay-At-Home Mom

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Dose – Steven…did all kinds of research and even talked with experts to find out how much money his wife’s work would make her.

Here are some of Glory’s daily and weekly, routine responsibilities:

Cleaning Service: $50 to 100 per visit at least once a week.
Personal Shopper: $65 per hour at four hours a week.
Chef: $240 a week.
Laundry: $25 a week at the bare minimum.
PR Assistant when she accompanies him to work functions: $75 per hour.

After calculating her work and earnings for different tasks, the total came out to $73,960 per year.

In his blog, We Found Glory, Steven writes that crunching these numbers has really helped him with the concept of having a shared income. “I always understood the idea that my income is our income,” he said, “but this really shed light on exactly how much she does deserve, and how essential it is to understand that no cent of what I ‘earn’ belongs solely to me”


There have also been other studies that showed stay-at-home moms might be worth in the mid-six figures:




I know the sentiment here is going to be that stay-at-home moms are just doing this to justify the fact that they don’t actually make money or try to even do part time work to help out. But honestly real moms — read: ones who don’t bitch about all the work and make their poor castrated husband hire a nanny while they drink white wine — do A LOT of shit that absolutely sucks. But more importantly, with divorce rates what they are and a wealth of rich dudes dropping seeds left and right, why aren’t these women getting paid? Marriage is such a transactional business anyway for most people, so if you’ve got the dough to spend and she’s giving up her career, why not just kick the woman cleaning your kids’ filthy hands and gross runny noses a little money? Frankly, I would support this entirely just to end the debate but also mostly because I think it’d be a great career path for me. I’ve been taking care of two dogs and working at home for years, I’d just have to replace Tinder blogs with looking at shitty fingerpaint and acting like it doesn’t suck then boom, six figure salary. Sure the kids would be ruined and probably half mentally disabled from pot inhalation but they’d believe in things. Important things. There’s no price you can put on that (rich ladies: The price is $120,000/year and health insurance. We can negotiate).


PS I wanted a nice video clip to close this out on but nothing popped to mind so here’s the trailer from 1983 movie Mr. Mom. Needless to say, it does not age well.