
Wake Up With Josh Gad’s Ferris Bueller Reunion

During quarantine, Josh Gad has done this series called “Reunited Apart,” where he brings together the casts of iconic movies to talk about the making of them and recite the most memorable dialogue. The goal of which is to raise money for CORE, the Children of Restaurant Employees (find the link by clicking the video). I posted the “Lord of the Rings” one here a few weeks ago and still haven’t recovered from the debilitating nerd boners it gave me.

For this product of the 80s, there are few bands Gad could’ve gotten back together that could’ve made me as happy as this one. To hear how John Hughes was freaking out about how it wasn’t working until Mathew Broderick saved the day with one line. To see Mia Sara again. Have Alan Ruck explain the origins of “Hey battah battah, sa-WING, battah!” Hear Ben Stein deliver his Economics lecture again. It’s all gold.

But if you don’t have 50 minutes to invest, here are the last five. A Wake Up With within the Wake Up With. The stars of all the John Hughes movies delivering their most quotable lines. This gets me right in the feels. God how this man dominated the comedy genre back in the day. And how I wish John Candy could’ve been a part of this. RIP, gentlemen.