Personal Trainer Photoshops Her Body To Prove How Absurd Expectations Are After She Gets Called Fat
I get that people on the internet can be overly mean and all that nonsense. I wouldn’t call this chick a total smokeshow but she’s definitely attractive and certainly not fat. But having said that, you need to embrace the internet for what it is. It’s not your friend, it’s your mom reminding you that you can be better. You want nothing but love and adulation for your pictures? Text them to your besties so they can tell you OMG you’re so perfect I wouldn’t change a thing about you luvvvvv uuuuuuuu heart emoji. You want to know what you can work on? Post the pics online. The internet is the little kid who’s brutally honest at the supermarket and says “Mommy that man has boobies!” The internet is your mom when you come home for winter break and says “Maybe a gym membership for Christmas?” Random people will use the veil of anonymity to let you know your flaws. It’s honest to the point of being mean, but it’s also kind of helpful. Just little reminders about what isn’t perfect. I know I have a big nose, breasts, gross hands, a bad haircut and I’m unfunny. You can’t pay for that kind of feedback. A therapist wouldn’t even have the balls to tell you that you need to work on all that. So yeah the internet isn’t nice, but it’s pretty much the best self-help app out there.