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Chinese Choral Concert Was Going Swimmingly Until The Earth Swallowed Everyone Whole


NYDN – A Chinese choir was sent crashing to the ground after a stage collapsed. The ensemble was rehearsing at the Grand Theater in Bijie, Guizhou province, at 3 p.m. on Saturday when the platform suddenly gave way beneath their feet. Terrifying footage shows the set caving in and the 80 singers plummeting to the floor. Only the conductor remains above eye-level.

There are two things and two things only I know from watching this video. 1) Never trust anything welded outside of the good ol’ US of A. There’s zero chance that stage was OSHA approved as it was probably constructed in 20 minutes using toddler labor and bamboo scaffolding. And 2) If my years getting scolded as an underachieving musician and the movie Whiplash have taught me anything, that conductor is LIVID. He’s seeing as much red as he possibly can through those eyes. And that gingerly, pissed off walk to peek into a sinkhole filled with 80 crippled bodies only confirms that fact. A concert is a conductor’s Super Bowl and nothing gets in the way of their glory. That guy definitely went full Asian JK Simmons on all the survivors for deliberately sabotaging his chorus.