
This Millenial And Any Other Hating On Eddie Murphy's "Party All The Time" Can Go Straight To Hell.

Explain this monstrosity?

Excuse me?

Hey buddy. Are you deaf?

You must be, because I can't think of a more California wild-fire flames 80's song. 

You're talking Rick James on the board, and lending moral support from the booth -

And on the mic with the backing vocals and strings-

Not to mention Eddie Murphy at his ultimate zenith in the 1980's. Kanye West right now in 2020 is a pissant compared to Eddie Murphy in 1985. Coming in white-hot fresh off his 4-year stint on SNL, his stand up special Delirious, and "Beverly Hills Cop 1".  The man could have taken over the world. 

Just look at the astonishment on Rick James' face when Eddie hits that high note. This look is all of us.

So if you want to knock "Party All The Time" you can fuck right off. This song gets the party started. And if it doesn't, then leave that party because it sucks. Just like Chris Evans (not captain America) music taste. Just another horrible look for millennials here. 

p.s. - In one of the greatest ideas of all time, Sharam, from Deep Dish, redid Party All The Time (PATT) in the 2000's and made bukoo bucks.

p.p.s. - obviously can't leave out


p.p.p.s. -