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Remember The Dude Who Tried To Hug Johnny Football In An Elevator? He Just Got Arrested For Slapping A Couple Chicks When They Wouldn't Have Sex With Each Other




Sanduky Register – A Sandusky man allegedly assaulted two young women after they turned down his propositions early Thursday. Chris Gonos, 33, of the 2500 block of 13th St., was charged with one count of disorderly conduct while intoxicated. Assault charges could be forthcoming.The women said they met “Chris” earlier in the night at Crow Bar and decided to go back with him to his home, according to a Sandusky police report. “Once inside, Chris wanted (the women) to have sex with each other,” the report stated. When the pair said they would not, Gonos allegedly got angry and slapped both of them across the face. The women ran outside and called police.


This guy is quickly becoming a legend.   First he assaulted Johnny Football in an elevator and then held a press conference to say he was sorry and now this.  Dude brings two girls home and when they won’t fuck each other he slaps them across the face.   Listen you can never hit a woman.  NEVER EVER EVER.  But having said that what did these two chicks think was gonna happen when they went home with the King of Cleveland?   Like Chris Gonos ain’t taking you home to play Apples to Apples. He’s looking for a little threesome action and he’s looking for it now.  Don’t like it?  Well that’s how you get slapped across the face.  It ain’t right, but it’s Gonos life.