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Chaos And Flash Bangs Ring Out In The Background But The Piano Man Will Not Be Deterred During Civil Unrest

a man kept on playing the piano in a surreal chaotic scene during a fierce anti-lockdown riot in Barcelona, Spain. The riots were the most violent that Spain has seen so far against pandemic-related restrictions, and followed similar unrest, protests and riots in France, Italy and other countries in Europe. While hundreds of people were clashing with the Catalonian riot police against the State’s attack on freedoms, the night was filled with the sound of the 80’s song “Eternal Flame” by The Bangles that features the lyrics “Is this burning an eternal flame?" blended with the sounds of police sirens, breaking glass and flash-bang grenades. The riot in Barcelona, that spread throughout the weekend to other Spanish cities like Madrid, Málaga, Vitoria, Valencia, Santander, Longorno and Burgos, followed the government’s decision to declare a 6-month state of emergency in response to the coronavirus pandemic, which means that it is expected to last until May of 2021. The restrictive measures imposed for the next 6 months include an 8-hour curfew, where people are forced to stay indoors between 22:00 at night and 6:00 in the morning, tight restrictions on social gatherings, the complete shutdown of cafes, bars, restaurants and other businesses, while all but essential weekend travel in and out of local areas has been banned. 

This video is so incredible that I felt like I needed to really pay attention to ensure it was real. Was this dude added with a green screen? I needed to be sure because one time I didn't double-check and I looked like a fucking idiot when I suggested that Russian military folks were dancing to Cardi B. In hindsight, that one was obvious.

Anyway, the dude tickling these plastic ivories did not give a fuck about what was happening behind him. It's like the modern-day version of what happened with those violin playin fellas on the titanic. Just ignore the chaos and march to the sound of the internal metronome.

I dont really have a ton to add here but I will say that I was surprised that it was the Bengals who sang the song. 

For some reason, I thought it was Wilson Phillips. It wasnt though. Two bands. Two sounds. Two talented groups of artists. 
